


Family healthcare (Foracare):

Based in Moorpark, California, ForaCare Inc. US is a technology company dedicated

to the design and development of products for chronic disease management. The aim

of ForaCare Inc. is to complete the cycle of chronic disease management by combining

innovative technologies and clinical applications. We embrace modern technologies to

focus on diabetes, hypertension, and COPD management among other disease states.

By utilizing the advanced information technology and integrated chronic disease monitoring,

we have established an efficient and effective healthcare management platform to serve

professionals and patients.

Our Technologies

ForaCare products provide a reliable and accurate means to collect chronic disease monitoring

information, and information technology platforms for effective data management. ForaCare

products and solutions are designed and developed to cover multiple parameters, including

diabetes, hypertension, CHF and COPD care, as well as TeleHealth solutions. Through our

monitoring and systems technology we turn biometric data into useful and accessible health

information. Healthcare professionals can use this information to proactively take action and

manage patient compliance through prescription of behavior modifications.

The single, unwavering goal of all ForaCare technologies is to lead to better health outcomes.

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