Hospital clothing of Ora


Hospital clothing of Ora

Hospital clothing of Ora:

Using Hospital clothing to reduce risk of direct and indirect micro organism

infections and also hospital based infections is very important. For years to

prevent patients from hospital infections especially Transmissive infections

including HIV and hepatitis type B and C use of clothes were necessary.

this clothes were washed and sterilized after they have been used. In recent

years with the help of modern technology, we can use hospital clothing made

of non-woven material that are water proof . this new technology help us to get

a more safe , cost effective and environment friendly product for our health care centers.

For this purpose ,in 1392 Rahpooyan Andishe Deniz LTD began its production

of sterilized surgery packages and disposable medical materials using a scientific

and experimental background. This products are available under brand name of ORA.

for ordering please visit our online shop of biineh.

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